Enjoy the natural world in the first three weeks of May 2019 with the Sun in the Earth sign Taurus, and two weighty planets, Saturn and Pluto, in Earth sign Capricorn. Saturn and Pluto this month are flirting with a conjunction, a cosmic wedding that won’t actually take place until January 12, 2020. At that time the Sun itself will be in Capricorn, too. But that’s looking down the road when right in front of us we have a banquet.
We can already see for May 2019 a great deal of global concern about our own planet, specifically climate change. But relax in your own back yard, or at local parks, lakes or hiking trails, because May 2019 planets, with emphasis on Mercury, will challenge our intelligence and ingenuity, especially on the job. Nature will refresh us, grant perspective, and give these bright ideas healthy and practical manifestations.
Manifestations? Yes! Important cosmic energies in Earth signs encourage dreams to become realities. This is especially true in mid-May, the 16th through 18th. Work diligently this month – planting the seeds of whatever is important to you — and vacation later. For love and romance, the very best day is Saturday the 18th, with beautiful Venus and long-term prospect Pluto in alignment. Lunch or dine outdoors that day or go to an open-air concert or sports event, and bathe in the good vibrations.
Here’s the week-by-week forecast:
May 1-8:
May somehow always seems like a longer month than it really is. That’s the Sun in Taurus, taking its time and granting the northern hemisphere longer and longer stretches of daylight. That “slow down” quality is enhanced by the planet Saturn having gone retrograde on April 29. If you were born with Saturn in retrograde (which it is for four and a half months per year), you are in your element in early May.
“Slow down,” however, doesn’t mean “chill out.” May’s planets will help devise practical solutions for problems that seem overwhelming. It might be as cliché as earning to say no to many requests, or a resolution to do or finish two or three things per day, allowing the rest to wait while you wait and rest.
Saturday, May 4, day of the New Moon, is important. Gardeners – or people who plant anything, such as ideas, or hopes, or foundations, know the day of the New Moon as the choicest day for planting seeds. The Moon’s gradual increase, plus the increasing daylight in May, enliven those seeds and make them eager to sprout.
The next day, Sunday, May 5, you are called upon to “walk the talk” as Mars opposes Jupiter. Maybe yesterday you only imagined planting or creating. Today is the day to act. Monday, May 5, provides assistance in the form of Mercury joining Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. On this day, get down to business. Stay anchored there, and find a way to capture the ideas sure to pop on Wednesday the 8th, when Mercury briefly meets Uranus. Once in a while this aspect signifies conflict or a difficult choice, but the aspect is fleeting. Rather than stew over a decision, simply choose one option and go with it. If you are shopping, buy the item of higher quality. Seldom does anyone regret doing this.
May 9-16:
Thursday, May 9 and the two days following are simply not good for relationships. Venus at that time, still in pushy and critical Aries, finds fault when it vibrates with Pluto in Capricorn. This could cause disillusionment. That day also, our personal assistant and mood manager, the Moon, currently in the zodiac sign Cancer, makes unpleasant aspects to two “outer” planets. It looks as if superiors, suppliers, repair people or managers will be defensive about what they’re not accomplishing.
At this time also, obsessive behaviors might take hold. The positive type of obsession us working hard and achieving the flow state on a creative or research project, or even obsessed with detailing the car. With the Sun in Taurus it’s a good time to page through floor plans for a new home or plans to ponder the benefits of having a decorator or feng shui consultant visit the present home. The less productive type of obsession has people chasing or yearning after what’s unavailable.
On Saturday the 11th life looks more stable and a sweet Sun-Neptune arrangement favors entertainment or a trip to a greenhouse or a nature walk, simply to seek and appreciate the beauty of Earth and life. Maybe, in the United States, Mom or Grandma is what’s beautiful, because Sunday the 12th is Mother’s Day.
A Pluto-Saturn trine on Monday the 13th provides everyone with a favor. Enjoy. Wednesday the 15th, Venus changes signs to Taurus, and Mars to Cancer. Expect news headlines about a high-profile woman, or women.
On Thursday the 16th we enter the choices days of the month. The planting earlier in the month begins to show results now.
May 17-24:
Saturday the 18th is good for dates, engagements and weddings, with Venus in Taurus in loving aspect to Pluto, the planet that represents the steady and long-term, and the unknown. If dates and weddings aren’t on your schedule, it is an excellent day to buy furniture, fine jewelry, lawn equipment or any material object you hope will last.
The 18th also hosts the full Moon at 27 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio Sun-sign people will be very surprised at what life is offering them these days and might even surprise themselves. Taurus Finance and investor people can expect to be navigating a blip in the stock market while people in other occupations find money coming their way – the full Moon is about fulfillment.
Concerns about money give way to concerns about communications and new deals on Tuesday, May 21, when both the Sun and Mercury enter the sign Gemini. Write, text, phone, reach out; the seed you planted earlier this month now requires you seek out experts, advisers, sales people. This day’s weather, or the next day’s, does not look stable. Watch traffic conditions. Events with crowds or rioting might occur on or around Thursday, May 23, when the Moon enters Aquarius and suddenly everyone’s aware of the sociopolitical aspects of their lives.
May 25-31:
The Memorial Day weekend is blessedly quiet and all goes according to plan – unless you’re carrying a grudge. In that case, Saturn approaching Pluto in Capricorn guarantees that the ice between you and anyone estranged will freeze harder. If that’s not a problem, witness this being acted out among politicians or other high rollers.

As the Moon approaches its fourth quarter on Saturday the 26th, reflection and relaxation – especially with the Moon in Pisces – is not only valuable, but as necessary as it feels. By chance this happens to be Memorial Day weekend in the United States, with Monday a “vacation day” for a majority of workers and the “unofficial” beginning of the summer fun season.
None of these days, from the 25th through 28th, look good for travel. If you must, go and provision the summer cottage, but with the Moon in watery Pisces and Sun in airy Gemini it’s hard to focus or organize a team to help. Make a list and proceed alone.
Tuesday the 28th only emphasizes the difference between air and water, because that day Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces are out of synch. The return to work after the Memorial Day weekend might be especially grating, but the evening of the 30th, the Moon enters Taurus and it’s possible once again to feel enthusiasm about work or co-workers.
Whatever seed you planted early this month will be growing all summer.