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Psychic Readings by Aislynn Tavendale

Psychic Readings by: Aislynn Tavendale

About Aislynn Tavendale


I was born as a gifted psychic Advisor, Clairvoyant, spiritual Channeler and Empath, as well as, a Tarot card Reader, Numerologist, and Astrologer. I didn’t use my gifts when I was younger, my guardians didn’t think it was appropriate at that time to show myself to the world. Later on I received the my calling and answered it. My gifts unlocked and allow me to help those in need. I also have a special bond with Sandophom, he speaks in music to share special messages. My specialty area is relationships, whether it be romantic, spiritual (soul mate/twin flame), friends or family dynamics, but I read on all topics. I will guide you to your highest destiny.

Je suis né en tant que conseiller psychique doué, clairvoyant, canalisateur spirituel et empathe, ainsi que lecteur de cartes de tarot, numérologue et astrologue. Je n’ai pas utilisé mes dons quand j’étais plus jeune, mes tuteurs ne pensaient pas qu’il était approprié à cette époque de me montrer au monde. Plus tard, j’ai reçu mon appel et j’y ai répondu. Mes dons se sont débloqués et me permettent d’aider ceux qui en ont besoin. J’ai aussi un lien particulier avec Sadophom, il parle en musique pour partager des messages particuliers. Mon domaine de spécialité est les relations, qu’elles soient romantiques, spirituelles (âme sÅ”ur/flamme jumelle), amicales ou dynamiques familiales, mais je lis sur tous les sujets. Je vais vous guider vers votre plus haute destinée.

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Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

Her prediction happened today. I am so grateful to have found this special lady. Thank you for all of you help and guidance. God Bless you! xoxoxoxo

January 7th, 2025

Great reading with accurate information of the 3 ppl and ex tl asked. Promising future financially and romantically in feb. Spiritual connections acknowledged by the then runner now is the emperor may lead to marriage. Moving in mar and Apr is favorable with 3 cats. Thank you! My new job, healthy committed romantic relationship and new home are already here!

January 6th, 2025

Thank you for such a detailed reading! Hope predictions come to pass.

January 3rd, 2025

First time calling her. She is amazing went into details about my situation in which I have been trying to figure out for two years, and she nailed it!! Thank you so much. Will call again.

December 30th, 2024

I am so grateful to this advisor. Her readings are like no others on this network and I have been on this site since 2008. The amount of peace and clarity she provides with such a loving heart has helped me in so many ways. I highly recommend her! Thank you xoxo

December 26th, 2024

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