About Alyssa
I'm an Intuitive Psychic Advisor, life-long Reader of the Tarot, an ordained Priestess, chartered Initiator, and hold degrees in Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis and Gardnarian Wicca. Did you know that you can truly create your own reality? Everyday, by our thoughts, we act, and by our actions, we create the world around us. I am highly trained to provide you with the psychic insight and vision to create the reality that is waiting for you; a life of health, wealth, joy, beauty and love. As sure as the planets orbit the sun, we orbit one another for good fortune or bad, it is totally up to you. Today is your day to tap in to powers that you know exist. Alchemy has taught us, today's Psychics are tomorrow's scientists. Reach out to me, I can't wait for us to begin.