About Bethenny Nichols
We are energetic and spiritual beings of light. This is an awareness and understanding I have come too over many years of life experience. As such, I am well aware that we are not always in tune with all aspects of our beings because of the ways in which we are taught to focus so intensely upon our physical experiences. As an Intuitive and a Tarot card Advisor, I know that it may be necessary to utilize other forms of attunement as guidance in various situations. I realize there are times when we may be very cloudy in our thoughts and emotions so using an additional system, such as card reading, to gain clarity or deeper insight into a situation will be beneficial in helping us move forward. I utilize several different card systems depending upon whichever my intuition leads me to when conducting my sessions in order to provide a balanced reading during my sessions. I am always delighted to connect with others. I am delighted to be able to walk with you on your journey and provide a bit of light along your path so that you may continue to move forth with grace, ease, peace, and bliss. Love and light to you all…