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Psychic Readings by Chris Langdon

Psychic Readings by: Chris Langdon

About Chris Langdon


I am an Advisor who listens and who cares. I’m a trained and experienced psychic Consultant and educator. I’m skilled and passionate about western Psychology, Astrology (Eastern and Western) and eastern Buddhism. I possess a Bachelor’s degree in economics and also studied early childhood education. I have traveled many counties and experienced different cultures which help me understand people in different perspective. After working in the business world, I realized that I am interested in working with others to alleviate their problems and suffering. I am very caring, dependable and professional: I want to help you!

我现在是一名心理咨询师,同时也是一名美国幼儿园老师。我学过经济学,教育学和心理学,对神学,星相学也颇感兴趣。我当过跨国公司和国企老总秘书和助理。 我曾在不同的国家和城市学习和生活,体会着在路上的自己。我经历过数次大难不死,更能感悟生死瞬间我的选择和活着的意义。我们可以聊聊。

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