About Georgia Hutchins
I have heard the gentle loving words of Spirit since I was a small child, I have clear, vivid memories of conversations and interactions I had with my angels as a young girl. It took me many years to learn how to use this gift to help other people and today it is my passion. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient, which means that I see and hear beyond our physical veil. Information comes to me in what I call ‘thought bubbles’ of words and pictures; it’s up to me to translate that information with supportive nonjudgment. I usually begin a reading by using Tarot cards and once a good connection is established, I will rarely use my cards for the remainder of the reading. I have faced unbelievable challenges in my life and during my darkest moments I had no human encouragement or love, if it was not for the consistent force of Divine Spirit continually reminding me that I was loved I don’t think I could have survived. I worry about the people who are alone in a crisis; I worry about the people who can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am here to show you that there are always choices, that there is always a way out. Hope is available and I am here to ensure that you have what you need to navigate the best path. Life does not have to get to the point trauma; we can head trouble off at the pass. If you need to know about a business venture, a lover or if you are in the middle of a personal crisis, I am here to give you the information and guidance you need in order to live your best life!