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Psychic Readings by Kali Rose

Psychic Readings by: Kali Rose

About Kali Rose

Greetings beloved, You were led here by spirit for a reason…this space that I hold is sacred and safe. I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairalient, Claircognizant, and Clairgustant, a Channeler, aura Reader, energy Reader, certified trauma Coach, Intuitive, past-life Advisor, Medium, Reiki Healer, triple certified meditation Advisor, and a certified medical Intuitive. I will use all of my spiritual abilities and senses to read on your most important topics such as romance, relationships, love, career, finance and your overall spiritual wellbeing. Whether you need deep insight on a personal issue, dealing with trauma, or concerned about your emotional wellness, I will be here to assist in every way I can.

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