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Psychic Readings by Lee Jordan

Psychic Readings by: Lee Jordan

About Lee Jordan

I utilize my psychic skills along with the Tarot and Geomancy to give you an accurate consultation. I was instructed in matters of Western Ceremonial Magick beginning age 10. Of course having a background in the Qabalistic interpretations of the universe, helped with my spiritual study of the cards, whereas I learned the practicality of divination when my psychic senses became clearer. Hemeticism and the Hermetic Qabala have been my main courses of study and practice. My methods are quick and concise, but I enjoy telling clients some of the practical activities they can utilize to move the forces in their favor such as visualization, mantra and candle lighting, but only when it is accepted. Call me as I'm here to help you overcome all that is heavy on your heart and mind.

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