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Psychic Readings by Lloyd Richards

Psychic Readings by: Lloyd Richards

About Lloyd Richards

I'm an Intuitive and Empathic Psychic, Master Tarot Reader, Energy Worker and Reiki Master. I have had a deep love of Symbology and the Esoteric for over 40 years, and these came together beautifully for me when I discovered the Tarot 19 years ago. Since then, my deep love of the Tarot has kindled deep insight and intuition about people's lives, dreams and unbridled potential. I'm a highly-trained professional communicator and your consultation with me will heal and transform your life. I care deeply about your most important Issues, and I will guide you past any current or future hurdles or obstacles. I will lead you toward your highest path. Together, we will bring forth your destiny so you can achieve all you want out of life. I look forward to meeting you.Lloyd

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