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Psychic Readings by Lynette Reed

Psychic Readings by: Lynette Reed

About Lynette Reed

I’m a talented and gifted Psychic, Intuitive, Clairaudient, Telepath, soul Reader, Chakra Advisor, medical Intuitive, Channeler, Healer, angel and Tarot card Reader, remote Viewer, past-life Reader and Therapist, Medium and Clairvoyant. I have been an Advisor and spiritual Consultant for over 26 years. During your highly-detailed consultation, I will employ the Tarot, a crystal ball and pendulum. I’m also able to access the Akashic record and chakra system for you as needed. As your Guide, I can prescribe methods to improve your life and excel on your journey. I work strongly and closely with Spirit, angel guides and spirit Guides including ancestral readings. I would be overjoyed to be a part of your spiritual development and life path.

Inactive Advisor

Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

I wasn't able to add more funds however this reader accurately pinpointed my person with almost little to no information. She knew about my situation before I had even said anything highly recommend will definitely be calling back.. she really knew how to put my mind at ease and look at the situation from a different lens.

February 25th, 2025

Lynette thanks as always.

February 24th, 2025

She is such a beautiful soul. So genuine and accurate with her information. A true gem on this site. Thank you so much. You will relax your fears and worries. She goes deep in the reading.

February 23rd, 2025

She is amazing. Calming, soothing voice a genuine beautiful skull. Accurately describes the person's feelings and thought processes.

February 19th, 2025

Lynette as always, the reading/advice has been amazing! Will talk soon.

February 11th, 2025

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