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Psychic Readings by Maria Dupont

Psychic Readings by: Maria Dupont

About Maria Dupont

My Natural-born God given gifts are clairvoyance and clairsentience. I see, know and feel the past, present and probable future; for the future is always subject to free will. Like most people with psychic gifts, I had a troubled childhood that wounded my sensitive and gentle heart. As a result, I have great compassion for those in emotional and physical pain. I understand the need for encouragement, honesty and straightforward information. I bring forth wisdom with heart. I have a strong connection to the following lineage's: Egyptians, Hathors, Sisterhood of Light, The Christ Family, The Essenes, White Brotherhood, Archangel Michael, Bridget, and many other saints, ascended masters, angels and archangels. We are surrounded by loving beings who only wish to help us in our evolution toward wholeness and unity with all.

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