About Nesta
We are sorry to learn of the passing of our Rev. Nesta. Our condolences to all who knew her. We will miss her very much. As a Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient Medium, Counselor and Healer, I have channeled the Archangels and Ascended Masters for over thirty years. Past, present and future core answers can assist you in making the correct path choices of your life. Developing wisdom through self-examination will help to create Passage as to when to curve and carve and round a bend. There is never closure without choice. Find tenor, tone and harmony in your life through interface: 'Looking into' the grand view of choices in enacting Quest and Change is a dance that the Angels love to help you share and complete. You are the best part of this Universe. With Oneness, Evenness of Mind, catch your Mind Stream of Soul Passage. You are at the Helm. Touch-in: with Spiritual Inherency and Thrust, Retouch, Reopen and Restore the Colors of your Life.