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Psychic Readings by Payton Thompson

Psychic Readings by: Payton Thompson

About Payton Thompson

I’m an intuitive Advisor, an Empath and also a Healer. I have abilities in all aspects of our sixth sense. I am compassionate, inspiring and non-judgmental. I am a firm believer that we are all connected. I have found this to be true through not only our friends, guides, and angels on the other side, but here on Earth as well. I feel that my studies in Metaphysical Sciences and Quantum Physics has shown me beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is something bigger out there for us to use in our toolbox as we navigate on our journey. My role here is to help you see the endless possibilities the universe has in store for you. I use my intuition, as well as, angel Oracle Cards in my reading more for an affirmation for you that what I see and hear are true. I look forward to sharing your journey with you!

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