About Suzanne Paul
I’m an intuitive Psychic Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Medium and animal communicator with 24 years of experience as a professional Advisor. I connect initially by tuning into your voice vibration. I may receive information in the form of clairvoyant images or symbols, use my clairaudient abilities and Mediumship, or spirit communication. I’ve also been known to reach for my “trusty old” Tarot deck if I feel more information or clarity is needed. As an animal communicator, I may even receive guidance regarding the family pet, as I do have a very special relationship with animals. I began to delve into Palmistry and Astrology at a very young age, more as a means to understand myself. I believe that everyone has been given the gift of intuition or psychic ability; however, the average person has no idea how to plug in or they may not understand what they are feeling or seeing. Sometimes our fears act as a filter and often your emotions may cloud your view. My role is to help you sort through all of that and connect to your divine guidance.
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